Check Your Pond

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The live bacteria in the Clensaqua Liquid and Sludge Bomb compete with the algae for Nitrogen (N) and
Phosphorous (P) as a food source. The Clensaqua bacteria consume N and P faster than the algae. As a
result, excess algal growth is eliminated. It is very important to note that Clensaqua does not eliminate
all algae. Some algae are needed to help keep oxygen in the water. Clensaqua helps to eliminates severe
blooms. The best way to think about it is that Clensaqua restores the natural balance in a pond, which
means a healthy mix of natural bacteria and algae living together. Through use of Clensaqua Treatment,
a pond is restored to its’ natural clarity and beauty (with a proper balance between natural bacteria and

The Clensaqua Kit digests the sludge at the bottom of a pond. This means that the risk of fish disease
is reduced and foul pond odours are eliminated. Note: Clensaqua digests organic sludge (leaves, dead
algae, fish waste, etc.). Clensaqua does not digest clay, sand or silt which is inorganic.



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The Clensaqua Kit is a combination of ultra-concentrated Liquid Bacteria and powdered, slow release, Sludge Bombs.

Liquid Concentrate Bacteria.
Clensaqua liquid is an all-purpose biological pond additive specially formulated for use in fresh water ponds.
Clensaqua is super-concentrated; with an ideal mix of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria that out-competes algae for nutrients. When used with Sludge Bomb, Clensaqua dosing is performed only once a month.

Sludge Bomb
Sludge Bombs are freeze-dried, sludge reducing bacteria and food-grade bacterial nutrients.
When placed into water, the Sludge Bomb continuously produces sludge reducing, algae-fighting bacteria for a full month.

Clensaqua (liquid) and Sludge Bombs (powder) are 100% live, natural, non-toxic, non-chemical products which are used in conjunction to eliminate excess algae blooms, pond odours, excess sludge, and string algae in lake and ponds, (decorative, recreational and fisheries).

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Dose Clensaqua once a month based on the surface area:

Acres Sq Metres Clensaqua Kits
0.25 1012 1
0.50 2023 2
0.75 3035 3
1.00 4047 4
1.25 5059 5
1.5 6070 6

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Follow these guidelines to make sure you get the best results and value from Clensaqua Treatment. These three things are most important:

Clenaqua Dose Based of Surface Area:
The Clensaqua dose is one box (Kit) per month (which means 3.8 litres of liquid, and one Sludge Bomb) for every ¼ acre of pond surface area with a problem. Dose Clensaqua and Sludge Bombs at the same time, once a month. Clensaqua provides maximum rapid action, while Sludge Bombs work throughout the month to maintain the required level of activity. Apply most of the Clensaqua Liquid where problems exist. Simply throw the Sludge Bomb where the problems are greatest. Remember, the dose is based on the surface area of the pond having problems (not the entire surface of the pond, unless the whole pond has a problem). If you have a 2 acre pond, but only have a problem in one end, with half an acre surface area, then use the dose for ½ acre.

Double the Dose for Ponds with Severe, Long-standing Problems:
Some ponds that have had severe problems over the long term should be treated initially with a double dose. The extra dose will speed the results and will almost always overocome even the most difficult algae problems, within 2 to 4 months of double application.
In many cases, a single month with double dosing will overcome the otherwise persistent problems. Once the problem is solved, revert to the standard dose to maintain a beautiful, healthy pond.

Apply the Product where Problems are Most Severe:
In nearly all lakes and ponds the majority of the unsightly problem occurs along the shore line, or at one end of the pond or the other. Sludge build up, however, may be present throughout the pond base, so it is difficult to precisely assess where the problems originated from without doing extensive and expensive testing.
However, our experience shows that dosing around the pond periphery and only in problem areas is completely suitable. The natural diffusion of liquid Clensaqua from the shorline to the centre of the pond  will be assisted by normal wind action and natural mixing.
If you have an unusual situation, such as a lake with severe odour (sulphide) problems, you should base your dose on the entire pond surface area, and then distribute the product throughout the pond. But in the vast majority of the real world situations, you can simply dose the Clensaqua around the shore of the pond, adding more product where problems are most severe.
Similarly, position the Sludge Bombs around the pond where the algae problems and/or weed problems are most severe. This approach will minimize labour and produce excellent results nearly all of the time

When Should You Begin and End Clensaqua Treatment?
It is best to wait until the pond is at least 7° C or warmer before beginning with Clensaqua. Treatment can continue throughout the spring, summer and autumn. Once the water temperature drops below 7° C, there is little value in continuing treatment.
You can begin treating a problem pond at any time, assuming that you consider the temperatures noted above. You can begin before a problem begins and prevent it or begin after even a severe bloom and solve the problem (though this may require a double dose for a few months).

How Should Clensaqua Liquid and Sludge Bombs Be Applied?
Shake the bottle before use. Dose the liquid Clensaqua around the periphery of the pond where the problems are worst. For best results mix the proper dose of Clensaqua with several times that volume of pond water then distribute this mixture around the pond periphery.
Apply most of the liquid to the zones where the algae, sludge or odour problems are most severe. It is often best to choose 4 or more dosing points (more dosing points for larger ponds) Otherwise, let normal wind action and natural mixing distribute the product.
Similarly, throw the Sludge Bombs into the pond where problems are most severe. Repeat monthly during typical warm sunny seasons.

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The Science Behind It

The live bacteria in the Clensaqua Liquid and Sludge Bomb compete with the algae for Nitrogen (N) and
Phosphorous (P) as a food source. The Clensaqua bacteria consume N and P faster than the algae. As a
result, excess algal growth is eliminated. It is very important to note that Clensaqua does not eliminate
all algae. Some algae are needed to help keep oxygen in the water. Clensaqua helps to eliminates severe
blooms. The best way to think about it is that Clensaqua restores the natural balance in a pond, which
means a healthy mix of natural bacteria and algae living together. Through use of Clensaqua Treatment,
a pond is restored to its’ natural clarity and beauty (with a proper balance between natural bacteria and

The Clensaqua Kit digests the sludge at the bottom of a pond. This means that the risk of fish disease
is reduced and foul pond odours are eliminated. Note: Clensaqua digests organic sludge (leaves, dead
algae, fish waste, etc.). Clensaqua does not digest clay, sand or silt which is inorganic.




The Clensaqua Kit is a combination of ultra-concentrated Liquid Bacteria and powdered, slow release, Sludge Bombs.

Liquid Concentrate Bacteria.
Clensaqua liquid is an all-purpose biological pond additive specially formulated for use in fresh water ponds.
Clensaqua is super-concentrated; with an ideal mix of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria that out-competes algae for nutrients. When used with Sludge Bomb, Clensaqua dosing is performed only once a month.

Sludge Bomb
Sludge Bombs are freeze-dried, sludge reducing bacteria and food-grade bacterial nutrients.
When placed into water, the Sludge Bomb continuously produces sludge reducing, algae-fighting bacteria for a full month.

Clensaqua (liquid) and Sludge Bombs (powder) are 100% live, natural, non-toxic, non-chemical products which are used in conjunction to eliminate excess algae blooms, pond odours, excess sludge, and string algae in lake and ponds, (decorative, recreational and fisheries).


Dose Clensaqua once a month based on the surface area:

Acres Sq Metres Clensaqua Kits
0.25 1012 1
0.50 2023 2
0.75 3035 3
1.00 4047 4
1.25 5059 5
1.5 6070 6

How To Apply Clensaqua

Follow these guidelines to make sure you get the best results and value from Clensaqua Treatment. These three things are most important:

Clenaqua Dose Based of Surface Area:
The Clensaqua dose is one box (Kit) per month (which means 3.8 litres of liquid, and one Sludge Bomb) for every ¼ acre of pond surface area with a problem. Dose Clensaqua and Sludge Bombs at the same time, once a month. Clensaqua provides maximum rapid action, while Sludge Bombs work throughout the month to maintain the required level of activity. Apply most of the Clensaqua Liquid where problems exist. Simply throw the Sludge Bomb where the problems are greatest. Remember, the dose is based on the surface area of the pond having problems (not the entire surface of the pond, unless the whole pond has a problem). If you have a 2 acre pond, but only have a problem in one end, with half an acre surface area, then use the dose for ½ acre.

Double the Dose for Ponds with Severe, Long-standing Problems:
Some ponds that have had severe problems over the long term should be treated initially with a double dose. The extra dose will speed the results and will almost always overocome even the most difficult algae problems, within 2 to 4 months of double application.
In many cases, a single month with double dosing will overcome the otherwise persistent problems. Once the problem is solved, revert to the standard dose to maintain a beautiful, healthy pond.

Apply the Product where Problems are Most Severe:
In nearly all lakes and ponds the majority of the unsightly problem occurs along the shore line, or at one end of the pond or the other. Sludge build up, however, may be present throughout the pond base, so it is difficult to precisely assess where the problems originated from without doing extensive and expensive testing.
However, our experience shows that dosing around the pond periphery and only in problem areas is completely suitable. The natural diffusion of liquid Clensaqua from the shorline to the centre of the pond  will be assisted by normal wind action and natural mixing.
If you have an unusual situation, such as a lake with severe odour (sulphide) problems, you should base your dose on the entire pond surface area, and then distribute the product throughout the pond. But in the vast majority of the real world situations, you can simply dose the Clensaqua around the shore of the pond, adding more product where problems are most severe.
Similarly, position the Sludge Bombs around the pond where the algae problems and/or weed problems are most severe. This approach will minimize labour and produce excellent results nearly all of the time

When Should You Begin and End Clensaqua Treatment?
It is best to wait until the pond is at least 7° C or warmer before beginning with Clensaqua. Treatment can continue throughout the spring, summer and autumn. Once the water temperature drops below 7° C, there is little value in continuing treatment.
You can begin treating a problem pond at any time, assuming that you consider the temperatures noted above. You can begin before a problem begins and prevent it or begin after even a severe bloom and solve the problem (though this may require a double dose for a few months).

How Should Clensaqua Liquid and Sludge Bombs Be Applied?
Shake the bottle before use. Dose the liquid Clensaqua around the periphery of the pond where the problems are worst. For best results mix the proper dose of Clensaqua with several times that volume of pond water then distribute this mixture around the pond periphery.
Apply most of the liquid to the zones where the algae, sludge or odour problems are most severe. It is often best to choose 4 or more dosing points (more dosing points for larger ponds) Otherwise, let normal wind action and natural mixing distribute the product.
Similarly, throw the Sludge Bombs into the pond where problems are most severe. Repeat monthly during typical warm sunny seasons.

Maintainence Guide using Clensaqua


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